Winter Break 2020
iPhone 11
Our first long vacation of the year! We decided to visit both of our parents, mine in Illinois for Christmas and Sara’s for New Years in Colorado. To be safe, save a little extra money, and bring Forest (our chocolate lab), we decided to drive the entire route—8 states and 46 hours in total! We enjoy road trips; they’re zen in a way, only having to concentrate on the road while chatting or listening to the radio. Thankfully the weather held out during each leg of the journey and only snowed after we arrived in Illinois and then again after we arrived in Colorado. Seeing family for the first time since the pandemic began was a huge relief and a great time!
iPhone 11 and a giant bag of gummy bears
Christmas Eve was a little wild. Sara decided to steal my outfit!
iPhone 11….poor snowboarder wiped out just behind us. Maybe try skiing next time.
It was a bit chilly on our way to skiing….